Love Tester

Love Tester

Love Tester is a love test that you may take online. Use the Love Tester to see whether or not you and the person you have a crush on are compatible. Will they find true love and get married, or is this relationship about to end?  

This is one of those idle games that you may play for hours on end without noticing. You're about to uncover some thrilling, unexpected outcomes. To find out what the Love Tester thinks of your relationships, you may also use this game to match up with friends, classmates, or fictional characters from your favorite novels and television shows. However, keep in mind that Love Tester is merely a game; it might not provide the desired outcome and isn't predicated on actual events.  

How to play

  • First, enter your name at the top, and select your gender.  
  • Next, type up to three names of persons you like.
  • Choose the crush that best suits your romantic needs by tapping on "Test Your Love."

If Love Tester has helped you find your true match, you can also try one of our 2 Player games for something more intense and action-packed. 


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