Trap The Cat

Trap The Cat

The fun little game Trap The Cat is built on the fundamental encircling concept, which is also applied in the game Go. Play the demanding game Trap The Cat to show that you're the best cat trapper! 

Gameplay of Trap The Cat

The small cat has one goal in mind when it comes to this platform with lots of tiles: to get away. It is your task to capture the feline by clicking on vivid green hexagons, so preventing it from leaving the screen. The cat is shrewd and skilled at evading, so don't assume that this is an easy task. The cat will advance one tile with each click you make, so you need to use strategic thinking to keep it from getting away from you. You are free to design your approach for as long as you like, as there are no time constraints.


To obstruct the cat's passage, click and hold the bright green hexagons with your mouse.

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